Monday, June 26, 2006

Chancellor's death linked to job stress

[A half dozen people have sent me this story. I had decided not to post it here, being of the opinion that by now those problems that exist within the UC management system are now ancient history as far as LANL is concerned. However, people keep sending the story in, so here it is. --Doug]

Doug and Brad,

Here is an interesting article about a suicide of a UC Chancellor (UC Santa Cruz).

Chancellor's death linked to job stress

Apparent suicide came amid controversies at UC Santa Cruz

While it has nothing directly to do with LANL (or LLNL), it does show "something's amiss" in UC overall.

Many deaths (suicides or otherwise) are attributable to workplace stresses stemming from workplace abuses. The unnecessary and poorly conducted LANL layoff of 1995 adversely impacted well over 500 households but few (outside of those households) cared. When the homesteaders were forcibly removed from the Parjarito Plateau in 1943 so the Manhattan Project could take root and blossom into what is now the wealthiest community in the nation, nobody cared much then either. These families, then and now, endured injustice so intense that loved ones died prematurely as a result. So what else is new? The masses remain content with the spoils of injustice, and so the arrogance of those in charge will never be diminished by the “collateral damage” associated with their behavior. Is this is the "world class" leadership we keep hearing about? You bet!

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