Friday, June 30, 2006
LANL Blog Comes to End on Friday

Site was popular place to post comments about laboratory BY JOHN ARNOLD Journal Staff Writer
Los Alamos’ most famous blogger is logging off.
Former Los Alamos National Laboratory computer scientist Doug Roberts will tap out his final post Friday, and his popular Web log “LANL: The Real Story” will be history — literally.
The Los Alamos Historical Society plans to file away a full digital archive of the blog, which Roberts launched “in a moment of blind fury” in December 2004.
Since then, a series of historic events, including the firstever change in laboratory management, has unfolded at the nation’s first nuclear weapons research facility.
“LANL: The Real Story” documented the turbulent period with daily Internet posts from lab workers, many of whom opined anonymously and often angrily about lab management and operations.
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Posted on behalf of "The Disenchanted Pantexan":
This blog will really be needed as the management starts making changes in about a 10-12 month period. When BWXT
Pantex,LLC took over they came in, looked around for awhile, made as many allies as they could and then started making their "changes". Most of which really have upset most of the rank and file employees at Pantex. The majority, 80-90%, of Pantexans still despise this new management group. They swap around management configurations like most people change underwear. They will not leave anything alone long enough to get the kinks out. They have stopped communicating with the workforce by eliminating the all-hands meetings, and publishing the Pantexan a news letter that was mailed to employees homes. We hear more about Pantex from the media than from the management. I Wish Pantexans would have had a forum such as the LANL Blog during the last few years. It would have helped lots of folks vent.
Good Luck LANL!
The Disenchanted Pantexan
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This blog will really be needed as the management starts making changes in about a 10-12 month period. When BWXT
Pantex,LLC took over they came in, looked around for awhile, made as many allies as they could and then started making their "changes". Most of which really have upset most of the rank and file employees at Pantex. The majority, 80-90%, of Pantexans still despise this new management group. They swap around management configurations like most people change underwear. They will not leave anything alone long enough to get the kinks out. They have stopped communicating with the workforce by eliminating the all-hands meetings, and publishing the Pantexan a news letter that was mailed to employees homes. We hear more about Pantex from the media than from the management. I Wish Pantexans would have had a forum such as the LANL Blog during the last few years. It would have helped lots of folks vent.
Good Luck LANL!
The Disenchanted Pantexan
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